Employee Spotlight – Becky M.
We love our team at STS and decided to take some time to visit with our Director of Fleet Driver Management, Becky M.
This position is crucial to what we do every minute of the workday. We asked Becky to describe a typical day in her life.
Here’s what Becky shared:
“Most days feel like a full sprint from start to finish. I typically start the day running through the fleet, checking on everyone, and addressing any issues (such as loads running late or any issues from the night before).” Becky said she notifies Customer Service of any loads that may need to be rescheduled or changed. Becky then said, “I assign the drivers next loads out and address any questions or concerns they may have.” Becky said there are issues ongoing throughout the day that must be resolved as well. The issues range from breakdowns to drivers needing guidance. Becky also manages shipper/receiver issues and traffic issues regularly. Becky shared that her position is “a plethora of fun things … all while the phone constantly rings.”
We asked Becky what her best accomplishment is each day. She replied: “Sometimes just making it through the day is an accomplishment. LOL.” She then said, “I want to do the best job that I possibly can each day. It’s a lot to have a large fleet that depends on you directly each day. It matters to me to be accountable for that. I don’t like leaving work feeling as if something didn’t get done or resolved that day.”
Becky said one of her biggest challenges each day is taking care of a large fleet of drivers. She said she wants to assure that each driver has everything they need to do their jobs well each day.
We asked Becky about her success in being relatable to drivers. She has developed outstanding relationships with her fleet. Here’s what she said: “I think the biggest thing is just listening. Some things in trucking are unavoidable, and other things are small stressors that drivers may see as much bigger issues. We just have to remember that whatever is going on, we will come up with a solution. We will get through it together, and hopefully, gain knowledge to do it better the next time it occurs. I think it’s just about working together as a team.” That is excellent feedback on relating to the team.
Becky also shared the following about the life of a truck driver. Very valuable information to remember.
“Being a truck driver isn’t as easy as some people make it out to be. It’s a hard job with long hours, and it’s dangerous. Throughout my childhood, my dad was gone on the road all week, and only home on the weekends. I understand the strain that puts on a family, and the things that drivers miss at home. The drivers are out on the road making a living and miss a lot of home life. I think there is a level of compassion and respect that so many people don’t have for drivers that they should.”
Becky said she enjoys the team she works with daily and loves her drivers as well. She shared that her biggest motivation is her family, the Operations team, and her drivers. Such great encouragement to hear from a leader who manages to pull it off each day without a hitch.
We asked Becky what she enjoys doing in her spare time. She said: “Spending time with my family. I spend most of my free time at my parents’ house in the pool or hanging out with my niece. I do like to play pool too but haven’t in a while.
Becky’s favorite meal: “Mexican food all the way 😊😊” Good choice, Becky.
Becky said her best vacation is going home to California or Vegas! Becky, grew up about 4 hours from Vegas. She said she misses being close to Vegas and being able to drive there for the weekend.
Becky said she loves all kinds of music.
Thank you, Becky for sharing a great story. We appreciate you greatly at STS.
About Specialized Transportation Services…
Specialized Transportation Services (STS) is a leading transportation company who employs highly qualified drivers, utilizes the latest technologies and leverages the most advanced logistics management practices to deliver the best possible service to our customers and our drivers. From our drivers to our customer service, management, and office personnel, STS is built on nothing less than a team of dedicated professionals who care about the safe transportation of our customers’ products. We are committed to adding staff and drivers who have an exceptional work ethic and the desire to satisfy the customer.