Thank You For Your Service
On June 14, the United States Army celebrated 245 years of defending and protecting this great country. No matter what the challenges are that we face as a nation, America’s Army will always be there when needed. STS would like to take this opportunity to salute our employees who answered the call to serve in the United States Army. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the following: Bob C. (4 yrs.), Brian D. (12 yrs.), Earl H. (13 yrs.), George H. (4 yrs.), Jim H. (4 yrs.), Robert P. (8 yrs.), Stephen P. (8 yrs.), Tim B. (11 yrs.), and Victor J. (20 yrs.).
We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Jim H., who drives in STS Southeast Regional Division, about his experience serving in the U. S. Army. Jim was a part of the Navy ROTC while in high school. That is when he caught the military bug. Upon graduation, he knew that he wanted to enlist in the military, but the Navy had a two-year waiting period at that time. Jim was ready to enlist right away, then he discovered the Army did not have a waiting list. In 1980, Jim’s first experience with the army was enduring boot camp at Fort Dix in New Jersey. He was recruited as a part of the Infantry and spent time at Ft Pennington, Ft. Knox (his favorite), Ft Bragg, Ft. Carson and some time in Hawaii. Jim says that Army life was good for him. The structure he learned has helped him throughout his life. Jim contributes this training to help him plan effectively and stay organized throughout his career.
The respect demanded in the Army has taught Jim the importance of respecting others and treating others as you would want to be treated. But most importantly, Jim feels that the Army taught him how to present himself in a way that others around him perceive him as a man of honor.
Jim – All of us at STS would like to wish you a belated birthday and say how honored we are to have you as a part of our family.
Thank you to you and all of our Military Veterans for the sacrifice, service and protection that you provided to our country.
About Specialized Transportation Services…
Specialized Transportation Services (STS) is a leading transportation company who employs highly qualified drivers, utilizes the latest technologies and leverages the most advanced logistics management practices to deliver the best possible service to our customers and our drivers. From our drivers to our customer service, management, and office personnel, STS is built on nothing less than a team of dedicated professionals who care about the safe transportation of our customers’ products. We are committed to adding staff and drivers who have an exceptional work ethic and the desire to satisfy the customer.