Roadcheck 2014 is June 3rd-5th

Each year during the CVSA Roadcheck events, thousands of inspections are conducted in fact about three times as many inspections are done during this time. Of the level I inspections conducted in 2013 Roadcheck, 24.1% were OOS violations. Brake system violations topped the list of violations at 49.6%. Another notable violation, 899 seatbelt violations were issued.
Preparing yourself before you start each day will help reduce the stress and pressure you face if you are one of the 1000 drivers per hour expected to be checked. The seriousness of most violations is monetary (fines, down time, etc.), but can be a much larger risk depending on the type of violations you face.

Before you begin each trip remember to:
• Get plenty of rest. Fatigue will slow down your reaction time and impair your judgment. HOS violations can be fatigue related, because you “forgot” to update your log book at the last duty status change.
• Plan your day for extra time. Let your Fleet Manager know what’s expected during this time, so together you can plan for extra time on trips. Ideally, these type inspections shouldn’t hinder on-time delivery/pick up.

• Pre-Trip the condition of your vehicle. At least, checking brakes, coupling devices, lighting, steering, fuel & exhaust systems, suspension, steering, tires, wheels, rims, frame and permits. Finally adjust your mirrors, don’t drive blind.
• Focus on driving: obey speed limits (even in construction zones were workers aren’t present), maintain a safe following distance, make only safe and necessary lane changes, avoid in-cab distractions such as eating, adjusting radios, cell phones and GPS units(know before you go).
• Wear your seat belt. If being inspected, don’t remove your seat belt until the officer visually see’s you are wearing it. If you remove the seat belt as you reach for your log book/permits or when asked to pull around back, the assumption could be you weren’t wearing it.